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Search by Content Type

By default, searching on Flickr exclusively returns content uploaded as Photos & Videos. 

If you’d like to limit or broaden your search to include other content types, the Advanced Settings section in search will allow you to control which types of content you see in your results. 

The different content types available in Advanced Search are:

  • Photos 
  • Screenshots
  • Illustration/ Art
  • Virtual Photography
  • Videos

To access Advanced Search, click on the Advanced icon on the right side of the search bar which appears after performing a search-- like this example of a search for “bat”:

This will expand the search to include additional filters. From there, select “Content” to open the dropdown menu. 


Select or deselect the types of content you’d like to see in your search results. Here’s an example of a filtered search for “bat” and Illustrations/Art:

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