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Add or remove photos in a group using the Flickr app

With the Flickr app you can add your photos to groups or remove them if necessary.

If you're using a web browser, check out this article for steps.

Add a photo to groups

iOS | Android

  1. Tap on the photo you want to add.
  2. Swipe up on the small bar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. If the photo is not in any groups, tap on the + Add Group or the Pencil icon. If the photo is already in a group, you’ll only see the Pencil icon.
  4. Select the group/s to add the photo to.
  5. iOS: Tap Submit | tap Done.
    Android: Tap Next | tap Okay.
  6. Swipe the bar down to close the Information Screen.

Remove a photo from groups

 iOS | Android

  1. Tap on the photo you want to remove.
  2. Swipe up on the small bar at the bottom of the screen.
  3. iOS: Under the Groups section, tap on X for the group(s) you want the photo removed from | tap Remove.
    Android: Tap on the Pencil icon | deselect all the groups where you want the photo removed.
  4. Tap Next | tap Okay.
  5. Swipe the bar down to close the Information Screen.

Note: Make sure that the privacy setting of the photo matches the type of group you're sharing it with: "public," "friends," or "family."

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