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Images load slowly or don't respond

When experiencing site slowness, a good first place to check is our Flickr Status page to see if the site is fully operational. 

If the site is fully operational, we have some quick troubleshooting steps to help identify the cause of the issue. 


To check your network is working correctly, we recommend that you try the following:

  • Reboot any modems and routers to reset the network connection.
  • If you connect wirelessly, move your device closer to the wireless router to see if speeds improve.
  • If you're connected through a router, try plugging directly into the modem.
  • See your manual for configuration options if the router is slowing or blocking uploads.

Web Browser


  • Reboot your device.
  • Check Task Manager or Activity Monitor to see all the programs running and close any excess programs.

Still having trouble? If you continue to experience slow loading times after trying the above troubleshooting options, please contact us with details of the issue you’re experiencing.

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