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Promote someone to be an admin or moderator for your Flickr group

With great power comes great responsibility!
Delegate group management rights to those you know best, so you can manage your group together.
  1. Go to a group you administer.
  2. Click Administration.
  3. Under Administration, click Manage your Members.
  4. Go to the tab where that member belongs.
  5. Click Promote next to the member's name.
  6. Select 'Admin' or 'Moderator' on the drop-down menu.
  7. Click OK.
For the full list of what admins/ moderators can do, please see here.

Important! Before promoting, please be aware:
  • While admins have total control of a group, they cannot remove/ demote other admins. For this reason, it’s a good idea to limit the number of admins in a group & be sure that you trust the individual with full admin rights before you promote them.
  • The most recently promoted admin will be the only individual able to receive and approve join requests.
  • If an admin decides to leave a group & there are no other admins at that time, their rights will be passed to the longest-serving member of the group. 
  • Promoted members don’t get a notification, so make sure you let them know.

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