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In Memoriam Flickr Accounts

You can apply to have the account of a Flickr member who has passed away placed in a protected "in memoriam" state.

In memoriam accounts will preserve all public content in a deceased member’s account, even if their Pro subscription lapses. The account’s username will be updated to reflect the “in memoriam” status and login for the account will be locked to prevent anyone from signing in.


If you would like Flickr to consider an account to be memorialized please fill out this form:

  1. Choose Account Settings and Profile.
  2. Select I would like to memorialize an account.

Note: If you are looking to gain access to an account of someone who has passed away and can prove that you have a legal right to access the person's images please contact us here.  

The Fine Print

Upon receiving a request we will evaluate the account to determine if it qualifies. 

Note: Flickr reserves the right to memorialize accounts and is the sole determiner of what qualifies for an account to be memorialized.

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