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How to create and manage your Flickr collections

Collections are a convenient way to gather all your content by themes such as travel, cars, or animal photography. Collections can be comprised of either albums or other collections.

For example, you can keep all your albums documenting different trips organized in a "Vacation" collection, or group monthly albums into a collection labeled with the year.  

How to create a collection

If you haven't created any albums, you'll need to create an album to get started.
  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Select Albums & Collections.
  3. From the top-left corner, select Collection next to “Create a new:”.  Enter a title and description | select Create.
  • Collection depth is 5 levels. A collection containing albums can only be added to another collection that does not contain albums.
  • You can share collections that have Public photos. To share a collection, you can copy & paste the URL from your web browser. If a collection includes albums with Non-Public photos, only the Public albums will be displayed. The albums with Non-Public photos will not be displayed.

Create a collection Mosaic

  1. Drag your albums into the collection space on the left-hand side.
  2. Select Create Mosaic to set your collection's cover photos.
  3. Make any adjustments you'd like | select Save.
Note: Make sure your mosaics are made only of Safe photos. Including a Non-Public or Unsafe photo in your mosaic might mean other people see it as a gray box.

If you notice that any of your collection mosaics are completely grayed out and contain Safe and Public photos, then your collection may be missing thumbnails. You can head to the Organize feature and manually reset your cover mosaics.

Remove an album from a collection

  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Select Albums & Collections.
  3. Select a collection | select the drop-down icon to see the albums on that collection.
  4. Select and drag the album you want to remove. When you start moving your cursor, you'll see an area appear at the bottom of the page labeled "Drag a set here to remove it from the collection" | drag the album into that area.

Edit or delete a collection

  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Select Albums & Collections.
  3. Select a collection listed on the left-hand side and you will be able to edit title and description, the collection mosaic and open/ delete the collection.

View your collections

  1. Hover over You | select Albums.
  2. Select View my collections.
  3. Select the collection you want to view.

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