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Downloading content from Flickr

You can download your Flickr content at any time. These steps are for downloading content from Flickr when using a web browser.

Download a single photo:

  1. While on the photo page, select the Download icon.
  2. Select the desired size & the photo will automatically download.

Download a single video

  1. While on the photo page select the Download icon.
  2. Next steps will depend on your web browser. You will either need to select the 3-dot icon then Download, or right-click on the video and select Download/ Save


  • Via these methods, you can also download content from other Flickr members’ accounts if they have given permission.
  • When downloading a video that another member has uploaded, the largest file size will be 1080p 30fps. Only the video owner will be able to download the original file size.

Download multiple items from your account

  1. Hover over You | select Camera Roll.
  2. Select the items you’d like to download (maximum 500 items).
  3. Select Download | select Create .zip file.
  4. Once your .zip files are created, you will receive notifications to both your FlickrMail and the email address associated with your Flickr account containing links to download your files.

Download albums from your account

  1. Hover over You | select Albums.
  2. Select the album you’d like to download.
  3. Select the Download icon that appears on the album thumbnail, or when you open the album.
  4. Select Create .zip file (500 photo limit also applies to albums).
  5. Once your .zip file has been created, you will receive notifications to both your FlickrMail and the email address associated with your Flickr account containing a link to download your files.

Download an album from another Flickr member's account

You can download content from other Flickr members’ accounts if they have given permission.

  1. Head to the Albums tab.
  2. Hover over the desired album | select the Download icon.
    Or, select the album | select the Download icon.

Download all your content (Flickr Data)

  1. Select your Profile photo | select Settings.
  2. Under Your Flickr Data, select Request My Flickr Data.
  3. Once your .zip files are created, you will receive a notification to the email address associated with your Flickr account to let you know that your downloadable links are waiting for you in your account settings.

Keep in mind that links to the requested data are time sensitive and will expire, so check your emails regularly to see if your files are available for download. If your files have already expired, you always have the option to request the data again as long as you haven’t deleted the content from your Flickr account. 

Compiling your Flickr Data could take a few hours, or a few weeks, depending on the amount of content in your account. Please note that the EXIF data for your photos will be compiled in a separate JSON file. More information about that is available here.

Note: Links to your .zip files can also be found back in your account settings under Your Flickr Data.

Saving content from Flickr on a mobile device

To save content from Flickr on a mobile device see: How to share or save photos and videos in the Flickr app

Note: Photos can be saved from within the Flickr app, using a mobile web browser on an Android device, or from the desktop website. If you are using a web browser on an iOS device, you will need to switch to "Desktop" mode.

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