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Reorder the content in an album

There are a couple of different methods to change the order of your content within an album. These actions can only be made on a web browser.

From the Albums page

  1. Hover over You | select Albums.
  2. Select the desired album.
  3. Select the Reorder icon.
  4. Drag and drop images to change their order
    OR, select the drop-down menu to sort* into your preferred order | select OK.
  5. Select Done.

*Sorting options include:

  • Date taken (oldest first).
    Photos/videos with no date taken will appear at the bottom after the last content with the date taken.
  • Date taken (newest first).
    Photos/videos with no date taken will appear at the top before any content with a date taken.
  • Date uploaded (oldest first).
  • Date uploaded (newest first).
  • Alphabetical.
    Photos/video with no titles will appear at the top before any content with a title.
  • Manual (add to beginning)
    This option will keep the current sort, no change.
  • Manual (add to end).
    - This option will keep the current sort, no change.
    - New albums will use manual (add-to-end) by default.
    - After completing a sort, if you manually reorder the list, the sort default goes back to Manual (add to end).

Using Organizr

  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Select Albums & Collections.
  3. Double-click the album you wish to organize.
  4. Select a photo and drag it into the preferred order
    OR, select Sort to automatically sort.
  5. Select Save. (You will only see the option to save if the content order has changed.)

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