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Mark or unmark a photo as a favorite in Flickr

The favorites feature lets you mark images or videos posted by other Flickr members that you really like. The publisher gets a notification that the item has been marked as a favorite, and the image/video gets added to your Faves album where you can view it any time.

Marking an item as a favorite is the same process whether you’re logged in to your account on a web browser or the Flickr app. 

Please see the steps below:

  1. Click/Tap on the image you wish to Fave.
  2. Click/Tap the Star icon.

Once an item has been Fave'd the Star icon will turn white. To remove the Fave, click/tap on the Star icon and the icon will turn into a white outline, indicating that the item is on longer Fave'd.

You can also remove items while viewing the Faves tab while using a web browser. These steps will instantly remove the image from your Faves album.

  1. Hover over You | click Faves.
  2. Hover over the image & click the Star icon.

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