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Reorder your Flickr Photostream

Everything's sorted by the date and time that the photo was taken or uploaded to Flickr.

Logged out users see photos in order of “Date Uploaded” by default.

Logged in members can toggle between “Date Uploaded” and “Date Taken” in their Photostream settings, and this will apply to all Photostreams they view.

Change your sort order

Important - Anyone visiting your Photostream sees everything sorted by Date Uploaded by default. You can't change this view for them, but they can toggle to Date Taken for your own view.

  1. Log into your account on a web browser.
  2. Hover over You, click Photostream.
  3. Click Date taken or Date uploaded, above your photos. 
  4. A drop-down menu appears.
  5. Click how you'd like to sort your Photostream.

Change the date taken or date uploaded

Edit a single photo

  1. Log into your account on a web browser.
  2. Click any photo to open it.
  3. Hover over the "Taken on" date, select the Edit icon .
  4. Modify the "Date Posted On" date.
  5. Click Save.

Edit multiple photos

  1. Log into your account on a web browser.
  2. Hover over You | select Organize.
  3. Drag your photos into the batch area.
  4. Edit the date:
  • 1 at a time - Double-click a photo and click Dates to make your edits.
  • All at once - Click Edit dates, then make your edits.

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