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Change Your Photo's License in Flickr

When you take a photo, you are the rightful owner of the content. Licensing gives you control of how others can use your photos. Our goal is to help you understand how to change your photo licenses and to understand the difference between each type.

How to Change Your License on Flickr

Updates to license types can be done exclusively on a desktop & can be updated as often as you’d like.

One photo at a time

  1. Sign in to Flickr on a desktop.
  2. Select a photo to open the photo page.
  3. Next to the Ⓒ icon, select the arrow to open the drop-down menu.
  4. Select your desired license type to apply.


Multiple photos at once (for Pro users only)

  1. Hover over You | select Camera Roll.
  2. Select the photos you want to change.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select your new license from the "Copyright protection level" menu.
  5. Click Save.


You can also use the Organize tool (for Pro users only)

  1. Hover over You | click Organize.
  2. Select the photos you would like to update and drag them into the editing window.
  3. Click Permissions | Change licensing.
  4. Make sure the license you prefer is selected and click Change License.

Default license applied to new uploads

Your default license settings only apply to new photos you upload.

  1. Go to your account's privacy settings.
  2. Click Edit next to “What license will your content have”.
  3. Select your new license | click Set Default License.

Licenses supported by Flickr

Below are the license types supported by Flickr. Visit the accompanying link to learn more about each type.


All Rights Reserved 

You, the copyright holder, reserve all rights provided by copyright law, such as the right to make copies, distribute your work, perform your work, license, or otherwise exploit your work; no rights are waived under this license.

Note: If you are wishing to use any content that appears on Flickr, you must first contact the account holder to obtain their permission before moving forward with using any of their imagery, as doing so without their permission could potentially constitute copyright infringement.
We recommend using FlickrMail to get in touch with the owner of the photo.

Public Domain Work

To learn more, visit:

Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:


To learn more, visit:

Special Licenses

Flickr must set up the following license types especially for your account. Once your account is configured for either of these types, you can only upload images of that one type. To simply release the copyright of your images or declare them in the public domain, consider using the more flexible and widely used Public Domain or CC0 licenses instead of reconfiguring your account.

United States government work

To learn more, visit: and Contact Flickr to request this license type for your account.

No known copyright restrictions

To learn more, visit:, as well as The Commons FAQ for frequently asked questions and to apply to join the Flickr Commons.

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