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Troubleshooting issues loading

Failure to connect or only partial images are being displayed? You can use this guide to get things working for you again.

Firstly, check out our Flickr Status page to see if the site is fully operational.

If the site is fully operational, we have some quick troubleshooting options you can try to help you identify what might be causing the issue: 


Most connection issues arise due to a problem between your computer & Flickr. Thankfully, these issues are often temporary. 

To check your network is working correctly, we recommend that you try the following:

  • Briefly power off any broadband modems and routers to reset the network connection.
  • If you connect wirelessly, move your computer closer to the wireless access point, or 'plugin'.
  • If you're connected through a router, try plugging directly into the broadband modem.
  • See your manual for configuration options if the router is slowing or blocking uploads.
  • Try lowering your MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) or matching it to your ISP's value.
  • Search our forums to see if there are any specific network hardware incompatibilities.

Web Browser

Firstly, you'll need to check that the browser you’re using is up to date and that it is listed as one of our supported browsers. See our help article here for further information.

Once you’re all up-to-date if you continue to have trouble, we recommend that you try the following:


Are you experiencing the same issue across multiple devices? If not, then we recommend that you try the following on your affected device:

  • Reboot your device and try loading the site again.
  • Check you’re running the latest version of the operating system on your device. (Not sure what operating system you’re using? Use to find out.)
  • Temporarily disable antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewall products.

Still, having trouble?

If you continue to have issues after trying the above troubleshooting options, please contact us here.

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