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Approving or denying photo submissions to groups

The pending queue for Flickr Group submissions is a feature designed to allow Admins and Moderators to control photos allowed into the Group's Pool.

Enable the pending queue


  1. Once viewing your Group's page, select the Administration tab.
  2. Select Moderation settings.
  3. Under "Would you like to review submissions before they show up in the pool?" select Yes, then SAVE THIS.

View the Pending Queue

Enter the Pending Queue by selecting the link showing the number of pending photos on the Group's main page:


You can also enter the Pending Queue from the list of Groups you administer by selecting the link showing pending photos:


Approve or Deny photos

In the Pending Queue you'll see a view like the following:


  • Sort images (top left) by newest or oldest first.
  • Select the number of images to load on each page (25/50/100).
  • The option to Approve all or Deny all will apply to all images, except those marked Save for later.
  • Save for later; toggle this to blue to mark a photo to be reviewed later.
  • View the image title, submitting member, and any tags, next to the photo.
  • Select Manage to remove or ban a submitting member.
  • If there are more items to load than currently visible on the page, select the Load more button at the bottom of the screen.

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