Group admin duties only:
- Set group rules.
- Update the group’s information.
- Customize the group's appearance.
- Invite other member's content to the group.
- Promote other members to be group admins & moderators.
- Demote moderators. (Note: Admins cannot be demoted.)
- Delete the group.
Duties that both group admins & moderators can action:
- Approve or remove photos from the pool.
- Remove or ban members.
- Moderate group discussions.
- Create up to 20 Sticky Topics, by clicking Make Topic Sticky on a discussion.
Flickr Group administration options
Group admins have the ability to send a group blast, update the group's look, adjust its settings & manage its members.
Send a new group blast, or delete an existing message
This option can be used when you want to send a message to all members in your group.
- While viewing the Overview tab | select the Pencil icon on the right side.
- Type your new message in the box.
- Select Done.
The date will show the last time the message was edited. Select the Trash Can icon to remove the existing message.
Update your group icon
Your group's icon represents what your group is about. Be sure to pick a safe, public image.
- Hover over the group's icon | select the Edit icon.
- Choose an image from the pool | click Select.
- Optionally, drag the image to set the position.
- Select Save.
Update your group's cover photo
Same as your group icon, your cover image must also be set to safe & public.
- Select the 3-dot menu next to the group's name | click Change cover photo.
- Choose an image from the pool | press Select.
- Optionally, drag the image to set the position.
- Select Save.
Adjust your group's settings
Access your group settings by selecting the Administration tab at the top of the group page. From this tab you can set your group rules, manage members & customize the group.
Rules and moderation
- Moderating your group: Set group rules & set safety levels.
- Manage members: Promote, temporarily remove, or ban group members.
- Group rules: Write up the group rules. Individuals are then required to agree to the rules before becoming a member.
- Privacy: Control what non-members can see on your group page & set your group’s overall privacy level. (Note: If you make a public group private this action is irreversible.)
- 18+: Indicate if you're allowing "Moderate" or "Restricted" content.
About your group
- Name / URL / Description: Describe your group/ link to an external website.
- Keywords: Add or remove keywords to make your group more searchable.
- Flickr web address: Create a permanent, unique URL for your group. (Note: A personalized group URL cannot be changed once set.)
- Moderator roles: Give "admin," "moderator" & "member" more descriptive names that best fit your group.