If your account is determined to contain posts that violate our Terms & Conditions of Use or Community Guidelines, your account may be temporarily placed into a suspended state. In that case, you will receive a notification with more details from Flickr’s Trust & Safety team in your email and FlickrMail account.
What happens to my account when it is suspended?
- Your content will be viewable only to you as the logged-in account owner. Other members will not be able to see your photos. While your profile will still be searchable, your photos will be hidden from public view.
- Your comments will not be displayed.
- You will not be able to add new photos to groups. Group admins will not be able to see your photo submission.
- You will still be able to upload Safe content, comment, fave, and send or receive FlickrMail.
- Any existing group photos will be hidden from public view.
- Other members will not receive notifications of your activity.
How do I remove the suspended state from my account?
To remove the suspended state from your account, you will need to remedy the issues described in the notification from the Trust & Safety team.
Once you have brought your account into compliance, you can contact our Trust & Safety team here.
How do I learn more about why my account was suspended?
For more information about policies that may result in accounts being placed in a suspended state, please refer to the following articles in our Help Center: