Please do not upload photos or content that does not belong to you. We ask that you respect the intellectual property of creators.
Uploading content to your account which you do not have the appropriate rights to is not permitted, regardless of privacy setting or safety level. Simply giving credit to the owner is not sufficient.
Members that upload content that does not belong to them may have their account terminated without notice. Examples include:
- Stock photos
- Videos
- Screenshots
- GIFs
- Memes
- Anything copied from the internet, or anything that does not belong to you
Note: If you have the Auto-Uploadr turned on, photos will be automatically uploaded to your Flickr account from your device. You are responsible for ensuring that you have appropriate rights to any such content and that it otherwise does not violate our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
For more information on the Flickr Uploadr, please view the following:
- About the Auto-Uploadr in the Flickr app
- About the Flickr Uploadr for Windows
- About the Flickr Uploadr for Mac