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Uploading content to Flickr that you do not own

Flickr members may not upload photos or other content that do not belong to them. When you upload content to Flickr, you must respect the intellectual property rights of creators.

Uploading content to your account for which you do not have the appropriate rights is not permitted, regardless of privacy setting or safety level. Simply giving credit to the owner is not sufficient.

This includes photos or content:

  • taken or created by someone else for which you do not have the appropriate rights;
  • taken or created by you but which you do not have the right to post online;
  • collected from the internet or elsewhere with unknown ownership or origin.

For example, you should not upload stock images, screenshots of other people’s work (including memes or viral content), or content copied from the internet.

Members who upload content that does not belong to them may have their account suspended. Repeat or egregious violations of this policy may result in termination without notice.

Important Note about Auto-Uploadr: If Auto-Uploadr is turned on in your account, photos will be automatically uploaded to Flickr from your device. You must ensure that any content automatically uploaded from your device complies with this intellectual property policy as well as our Community Guidelines.

For more information on the Flickr Uploadr, please view the following: 

Relevant Help Center articles: 

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