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Free account limit changes and enforcement

What are the limits for free accounts? 

Effective May 1, 2022 free accounts are subject to the following limitations: 

  • Only Safe (public or non-public) content allowed. Moderate or Restricted photos or videos cannot be uploaded to a free account. 
  • Maximum of 50 non-public photos or videos. N​on-public consists of Private & Friends and Family photos.
  • 1,000 item upload limit.

Content on free accounts that exceeds the limits listed above is at risk of deletion.

For more information, check out our blog or upgrade to Pro now for unlimited storage, ad-free browsing, and advanced stats.

Why did we make changes to free accounts? 

We announced the limits for free accounts on Flickr to support our mission to create the safest, most inclusive global community for photography enthusiasts.

Non-public photos cannot be enjoyed by the broader Flickr community to be inspired by, connect around, and shared widely. We understand some may not want their photography to be shared with anyone. We understand many people’s photo collections are personal to them. We want them to have a home on Flickr as well, so we are asking those who are not actively contributing to the community of photographers on Flickr, simply to pay for the storage we have previously allocated to them for free. 

How can I bring my account back into compliance with new limits?

How to locate non-public and/or moderate or restricted content on your Flickr account

Note: Incorrectly setting moderate or restricted content as safe is against our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines

How do I make bulk changes to my content?

Change Privacy Levels in Bulk

  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Drag and drop content to the batch area.
  3. Click Permissions, select Who can see, comment, tag?
  4. Select your preferred settings.
  5. Click Change Permissions.

For more information on changing privacy settings, see: Change your privacy settings 

Delete Photos or Videos in Bulk

  1. Hover over You | click Organize.
  2. Drag and drop the content to the batch area or select all the content in an album.
  3. Click Edit photos | click Delete.
  4. You will then see the following warning | click Delete.
  5. Click YES, GO AHEAD | click Confirm.

For more information on deleting content, see: How to delete photos or videos

I got an email saying my account is out of compliance by mistake. 

If you’ve checked & your account appears to be in compliance, it’s possible you received an email due to outdated caching.

You may disregard the email-- or if you’d prefer to confirm that your account is in good standing, you can contact us

What happens if I do nothing?

All content on free accounts that exceeds the limitations listed above will be deleted. This includes:

  • Any non-public photos beyond the 50 non-public photo limit.
  • Any moderate or restricted content.
  • Any content over the 1,000 item limit. 

Additionally, you will be unable to upload additional content until the account is brought back within the limits.

How do I upgrade to Pro?

To upload unlimited content, regardless of privacy settings & safety levels, we recommend purchasing a Pro subscription

For details of available options, check out our Pricing FAQ

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