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Change your Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings let you control who can see your content, regardless of the safety level.

Read more about Safety Levels and how to set them here: Set the Safety Levels of Your Flickr Content or Account.

Privacy controls available

* This setting requires members to sign into their Flickr accounts before they can see photos you’ve shared with them.

To change privacy settings for existing content

These steps are for using Flickr on a web browser. For information on using Flickr on a mobile device, please find more information here: Change Privacy Settings in the Flickr app

Note: Changing to a stricter Privacy Setting will permanently alter the links to your content & remove faves from contacts that are not marked as that Privacy Setting -- this cannot be undone.

From a single photo page on the web:

  1. Scroll down to the Additional info section on the right side of the page.
  2. Next to Viewing privacy select the privacy level you would like the photo to have.

Change privacy levels in bulk:

  1. Hover over You | select Organize.
  2. Drag and drop content to the batch area.
  3. Select Permissions | select Who can see, comment, tag?
  4. Select your preferred settings.
  5. Select Change Permissions.

Set the default privacy for new content

  1. Head to your account settings.
  2. Select  Privacy & Permissions.
  3. Under Defaults for new uploads you will see several settings.
  4. Update the relevant settings by selecting Edit.
  5. Once applied, select Save.

Note: To locate content on your account based on the Privacy Setting, please see How to locate non-public and/or moderate or restricted content on your Flickr account.


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